Choosing a ttjasi strategy

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If you have taken the decision that it is time to ttjasi, to move on, then the next decision is where to now.

"People sign up for jobs. They leave managers" Often it is not the job we can't stand, it is the boss (or less commonly the colleagues). Every organisation has its own unique culture. Maybe you like the job but you just don't fit the organisation. Consider a new job at the same occupation

Other times, we get stale or bored, discover we chose the wrong calling, or feel it is time we advanced, grew in our career, did something new or more challenging, or just plain different. Most of the time we want to use our experience when looking for a different job: take a step up to something that builds on what came before.

Less often, people take an entirely new direction. This requires more work, and it is harder to get an opportunity when we go right back to beginner.

Either way, look at what is involved to change to a different occupation.

Many people dream of being their own boss, but few people actually do it. The number one prerequisite for going out on your own as a small-business-person, consultant or entrepreneur is not business sense, funds, or a good idea. It is the ability to cope with risk. You don't need to be a risk junky but you need to be able to take calculated risks and still sleep nights. if that sounds like you, you might become your own boss.

Finally, lots of people think the ultimate is not to have to work at all. (Others think that would be a waste or boring). For some, it means being able to work at something that doesn't pay, e.g. volunteering. For others it means a life of leisure. This requires either dropping your expectations down to what you can fund now, or making enough money to fund how you want to live. You must create revenue streams that don't require you to work (commissions, benefits, royalties, dividends, interest, rent). For many of these sources of income, some work is still required, just not a lot and not often. let's consider some ways of escaping work (almost) entirely.

Try reading Career Backup Plans – Part One about planning to go, and the implications; and Career Backup Plans – Part Two for an alternate view of the options for change.
There is a Fifth Option: work at your current job as if you didn't. The idea is to manage your boss's expectations so that you can work from home at greatly reduced hours and still delivered the same productivity. See Tim Ferriss's book The 4-Hour Workweek

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