About ttjasi

This page is part of a book: "How to ttjasi"
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On this website, ttjasi (t'·jaz·ee) is the art of quitting your job; also a philosophy of personal fulfillment and freedom, to liberate pay slaves. In a free world why must we work for people we don't like, doing tasks we don't want to?

In popular use, the word ttjasi means to quit, to walk away from a job, usually expressing some disgruntlement, and sometimes in an aggressive way.

To find out where the word comes from, ask Urban Dictionary (warning: that site has some offensive content)

ttjasi does not take a stand on any belief or value system except the principle that all people who want to change the way they work should be given all the help and advice possible.

Being happy in your job is not a right. Even having work is not a right in most countries. But for many of us in the 21st Century - and most people who can access this site - we have sufficient wealth, ability and opportunity to improve our working environment. ttjasi offers encouragement and help to do so.

This website is created by Rob England, a ttjasi veteran.

For copyright and terms information see the footer of this page.

This page is part of a book: "How to ttjasi"
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